Is the Alpha5 a step forward or a missed opportunity?

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The DeLorean Alpha5 has gotten mixed reactions, but I actually like the new design direction. Sure, they could have just electrified the DMC-12, but would that have been too predictable?

1. It’s sleek, modern, and distinct instead of just an updated version of an 80s icon.
2. If this had been released under a different brand, would it be more appreciated?
3. The DeLorean name carries massive nostalgia, which means some people will never be happy unless it looks exactly like the original.

What do you think, did they make the right call, or should they have leaned harder into the DMC-12 heritage?
it's probably gonna ruffle some feathers. Look, slapping an electric drivetrain into a DMC-12 would've been the easy nostalgia play but where's the vision in that? The Alpha5 is trying to carve out its own identity, and that's respectable. You're right, if this had a different badge, people would probably be drooling over it. The DeLorean name comes with a ton of baggage, and it's always going to be a tough crowd to please. Personally, I'm glad they didn't just rehash the past, it's a fresh take and I'm curious to see where they go from here. Maybe the real question is, can they deliver on the performance and tech to match that striking design?

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