Recent content by Richardcrono

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  1. E

    Where’s the iconic design?

    Seriously, does the Alpha 5 feel... kinda generic? Hyundai’s EVs are looking more like a DeLorean than whatever this is. Where's the iconic design, though? Am I the only one noticing this? Help me get the hype, or just admit they kinda dropped the ball here.
  2. E

    Alpha5 is like a Delorean do-over?

    Are we actually going to see an Alpha5 on the road? We've seen countless Delorean resurrections fizzle out, and even with Kat's C8-chassis-meets-new-skin approach, it feels like a long shot. Anyone else getting flashbacks to previous failed attempts? What's the one thing Delorean could do to...
  3. N

    Will it disappoint?

    Nobody's really talking about the Alpha 5, which is kinda worrying, and everyone seems to hate the way it looks. Plus, they've cut production way back. Makes you wonder if it'll even survive.

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